Quote Originally Posted by where's it gone View Post
Every time you, or your son, shoot this rifle, you won't be confident and waiting for something to go wrong. Single shot tray, magazine, valve, barrels and pellets ! There's something wrong. Count you losses, trade it in and buy a Weihrauch.
I understand what you mean. I’ve been through to much with it to part with it now and it is shooting tip top, hopefully it says like that.

I’ve had problems in past with another gun, more so that this omit went back to the manufacture under warranty and was there constantly (6) times! The last time I got it back it was like a different rifle, I sold that and regretted it, the buyer still has it now 8 years later and he absolutely loves it

I’ve got to say brococks after service that I have experienced is second to no one I have experienced before, they are brilliant, kept me upto date all the way through and the guy that I spoke to tec engineer was an absolute diamond geezer, he asked me to ring back and ask for him one I’ve had some time with the gun as he would appreciate an update on how it is going.

I’m taking my boy out with it tomorrow